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Bible Studies

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church There are opportunities at Faith Lutheran to delve into the study of the Bible and seeking to find what it is saying to us in our lives today.

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we have Wednesday morning and evening sessions of study, where we delve into various studies, usually trying to include a video presentation as well.

There is an ongoing bi-weekly Bible Study, which meets informally, from 7:00 to 8:00pm, on the first and third Thursdays of each month, in various peoples' homes. For details, email You can also talk to Bobbie Kling or Norma Hrozencik on a Sunday morning.

The Sunday morning Adult Forum (9:15am) is another opportunity for study of the Bible.

Pastor Bodnyk is always interested in guiding people in the study of scripture and topics related to the Bible. If a few people have an interest in a study program, contact him.

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
© 2016 Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3355 MacArthur Road / Whitehall, Pa 18052 / 610-435-0451